Cooking Vicariously

I have a pretty cool kitchen in my house. It's not huge, it's not fancy, and it doesn't have new appliances or granite countertops, but it works well for me. It's kind of a galley-shaped kitchen, with counter space, the sink, and microwave on one side and the fridge, oven, stove, and toaster on the other side, and an exceptionally spacious pantry on the far end. But the floor space in the middle is wide enough for me to spin around in donuts, too. Thanks to a lot of generous friends, my kitchen is stocked well with utensils, bowls, and various cooking supplies. The thing is, I don't actually cook. I don't know how obvious that is to the general public, but people who know me and spend any significant time with me take for granted that cooking is not in my skill set. Like a lot of things, it's not for lack of interest or competence, but mostly because my arms and hands don't work well. No one wants me to try to flip a pancake, chop a carrot, mash a pota...