
Showing posts from May, 2024

"At least I still have..."

 Over the past year I have become good friends with a woman here in Fort Wayne who has multiple sclerosis, and has struggled with some pretty aggressive digressions in her strength and health lately. She is a remarkable human being, and I love so much about her, from her sassy curly haircut, to her Brooklyn, NY accent, to her candid way of being authentic about her thoughts, to her faith in the Lord that keeps getting a daily workout.  We talk a lot about disability and faith, and how to hang on to hope in the dark moments of loss and depression. We've also talked about our "thresholds," as in, the limits we imagine our hope might have. "At least I can still sit up," she might say. "I don't know what I'll do when I have to lay down all the time." Last year around this time, she said something like, "At least I can still use my hands..." only, the thing is, she lost the strength in her hands this year and can no longer feed herself and...

Open Doors

At the end of April, I got a new contraption (called "Open Sesame") installed in my front door, so I can open and close the door by myself. It has been such a wonderful form of freedom and accessibility for me! I've gone on several walks around my neighborhood alone when the sunshine beckons, I've been able to open the door for the FedEx guy so he can leave my packages inside, and I have opened the door for friends who come to visit me and have their hands full (literally and metaphorically! #MomFriends).  I requested this modification from Vocational Rehabilitation in March 2023. My reasons went beyond just wanting to come and go as I pleased (although, aren't basic dignity and autonomy sufficient reasons?). I also knew this was a safety factor. If something were to happen inside (like a fire), I could not get myself outside and away from the house. I could not lock and unlock my door, so if I was home alone, I had to keep the door unlocked in case I needed someo...

The past few months

 Welcome back! It's summer #3 in the "exciting life of Connie Chandler"! It was an... eventful fall/winter/spring in the midwest (and south). Quick recap:   OCTOBER: I got to attend Hutchmoot in Nashville with my friends, Julie and Kelsey. Also celebrated lots of birthdays... beyond that, all I remember is the days getting shorter and colder.  NOVEMBER: Before heading to Memphis for the holidays, I finished the first draft of my novel, which has been in process for three years! Dad and nephews came to get me and take me to Memphis, and Aunt Ruth and Uncle Colin came down to have American Thanksgiving with us. DECEMBER: Celebrated some very special people's birthdays, got to see my big brother absolutely steal the show as Jacob Marley and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come in A Christmas Carol, caught up on reading 12 books, and had (as I recall) a 35-course international feast, prepared by my sister-in-law and nephew . Oh, and of course, Christmas!   JANUAR...