Badges and Awards
Throughout the summer, I have told my caregiving friends that we should have our own version of Girl Scout badges that they earn for accomplishing certain goals or tasks. Here are a few of our ideas:
- Wrangling the transfer systems
- Giving a shower/washing hair
- Mastering the pillow fort
- Driving Connie's wheelchair
- Completing a full laundry routine
- Prepping tea or meals
- Placing Connie in perfect sitting position
- Getting on compression socks
- Running errands with Connie
- Picking up and dropping off keys at the YMCA
I've also thought about coming up with a list of superlatives and hosting my own version of "The Dundies." Here's some of the possibilities:
- Best Dresser
- Cutest Hair Style
- Master Chef
- Busiest Bee
- Old Faithful
- Speedy Gonzalez
- Greatest Team Player
- Remembers Everything
- Most Athletic
- Most Aggressive (In a Good Way)
The only problem with superlatives is that I really don't think I could choose just one person! They are really a stellar team in so many ways, and I've been so blessed to spend this summer getting to know them and work with them.
Those blessing go both ways!!!