Badges and Awards

Throughout the summer, I have told my caregiving friends that we should have our own version of Girl Scout badges that they earn for accomplishing certain goals or tasks. Here are a few of our ideas:

  1. Wrangling the transfer systems
  2. Giving a shower/washing hair
  3. Mastering the pillow fort
  4. Driving Connie's wheelchair
  5. Completing a full laundry routine
  6. Prepping tea or meals
  7. Placing Connie in perfect sitting position
  8. Getting on compression socks
  9. Running errands with Connie
  10. Picking up and dropping off keys at the YMCA

I've also thought about coming up with a list of superlatives and hosting my own version of "The Dundies." Here's some of the possibilities: 

  1. Best Dresser
  2. Cutest Hair Style
  3. Master Chef
  4. Busiest Bee
  5. Old Faithful
  6. Speedy Gonzalez
  7. Greatest Team Player 
  8. Remembers Everything
  9. Most Athletic
  10. Most Aggressive (In a Good Way)

The only problem with superlatives is that I really don't think I could choose just one person! They are really a stellar team in so many ways, and I've been so blessed to spend this summer getting to know them and work with them. 


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