Fabulous Hair!

One thing that has been incredibly fun this summer is that I have so many beautiful ladies who are helping me, who are really good with hair. 

I have thick, wavy (and at the moment, long) hair, which I could possibly be quite vain about, if I thought about it too much. But I can't manage it myself - I can't raise my arms up high enough to dry it, curl it, style it, or play with it. So if it was up to me, it would just be a nuisance and I'd get impatient and annoyed with the way it just hangs around, fuzzes up, and gets in my way. I just want it off my face and neck... but also wish I could do cool up-dos.  

So it makes me smile when the ladies get out a bag of bobby pins and elastics and study my head like it has scads of potential to be a work of art. This special care and attention is not a necessary, basic "need"; it's something my friends do because they want to, and their joy and delight brings me joy and delight. Braids, twists, buns, and curls have ensued! Every day is a new adventure! I feel like Rapunzel, when the village girls get a hold of her hair:

And when I go out in public or I'm on video calls, people compliment me on how pretty my hair looks, and I just can't help but grin and gush, "I know, right?! <caregiver's name> did it for me this morning, and it's fabulous!" I feel so darn pretty, and I don't feel bad about that because I readily admit that I can't take any credit for it. All the praise and admiration is for my amazing friends and their talent and love. 

This makes me think about that weird verse, 2 Corinthians 12:9: "...Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me." Boast gladly in weakness? What does that look like? I think it is feeling the freedom to confess that I am not capable or adequate, but I know the Professional, and he loves me enough to take care of it for me. It is good to boast in the incredible things God is doing in my life, because I can't claim it as my own. Without him, I am weak and pathetic - absolutely every ounce of anything good and beautiful and strong and worthy in me is completely Him. So if you compliment me, I will gladly agree with you and give credit to the Giver of all Good Things - "Yes, I am ridiculously smart - isn't God so merciful to bless me with a sharp mind?!" I want to do my very best to steward his good gifts well, to bless others and bring glory and honor to him.

What are the things people compliment about you? Instead of trying to be "humble" by denying or downplaying it, next time be confident and joyfully agree with them, and give all the credit to God.

(You should listen to me; after all, God made me very smart.)


  1. I am always anxious to read your blog. It blesses me especially because of the insight into your life - which mirrors my sister.


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