Out for Delivery

I've done pretty well this summer with balancing eating out, having leftovers, and getting groceries, so my food budget stays under control. Every once in a while, I have ordered dinner through UberEats, to have it delivered to my apartment. It's pretty cool, actually. It's the evenings when I am home alone for a while, so I put on a movie or TV show to watch while I eat... which is my "stress-free zone," since I don't have to talk and I'm not worried about trying to eat fast enough to keep up with others. 

On UberEats website, you can write specific instructions for the person who is delivering, so I wrote: "Please knock and then open the door - resident cannot open it herself but is expecting you!" And people have handled that very well. The learning curve has been with the packaging of the food. At first, I was just happy for the person to come inside and set the bag on my table for me and leave. But then I spent 10-20 minutes just trying to open the darn thing and unwrap all the contents, and by then the food was soggy or cold. So the next time I asked the person to open the bag for me, but I still wrestled with wrapping paper and those sealable lids on things. 

Last night I ordered a half sandwich and mac 'n cheese from Panera, and the person came to the door, knocked and opened as instructed, and set the bag on the counter. Then, (kudos to him!) he asked if he could do any more to help. So I asked about the bag, and he pleasantly obliged by setting out the wrapped sandwich and sealed bowl. Then, (bless him!) he offered to unwrap and open things - and waited for permission before jumping in. It made me wonder if he has a sibling or friend like me that he has done this for before. Because he was so helpful and kind, I didn't have to expend all my energy on the set up, and I had a delicious and stress-free meal! 


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