What is Next?

Today is the last day of my summer experiment. Tomorrow I move out of my downtown apartment and head back to my hometown of Winston-Salem. 

The past three months have been a delight and a challenge. I have felt the thrill of independence and the panic of vulnerability. I have made some new friends who have become like family to me, I have explored the famous and hidden areas of this city, I have taken some really cool weekend trips, and I have felt homesick in a way I haven't felt since college. And I am still alive - so it was a success!

So what now? 

Well, I bought a house! Yes, that's right... I bet you didn't see that coming! Yesterday I signed a billion papers, and I am now officially a first-time homeowner. Actually, I bought a condo in Arlington Park, a neighborhood on the northeast side of Fort Wayne, just five minutes from Kevan and Katie's house. It's a little, one-level, two-bedroom place that has what I need and also has a lot of potential and "scope for the imagination." 

I'll go back to NC as planned for two weeks, and then move up with all my stuff on September 2. My dad will install my lift system in the ceiling and make a few other alterations, and my mom will set up the space so I can get around and see/reach everything easily. I'm still working on tweaking my caregiving plan to work smoothly, and I have a goal of making a few more friends this fall who can join my team. 

I hope to make my place a space for gathering and fellowship, whether it's Sunday afternoon tea or Friday night movies, group games or one-on-one discipleship. I want it to be full of laughter and light and music and good-smelling food. It will be my very own ministry base, and even though I'm excited and proud to be the sole owner, I am giving it back to God to use how he wants, to bless and encourage people who come in. 

This is the last entry in this blog, but if you would like to stay in touch and hear more about how I'm navigating a life of faith and friendship caregiving, please feel free to message me on Facebook, follow me on Instagram, or email me at hello@wecarrykevan.com. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me this summer, for praying for me and encouraging me along the way! God did some incredible things, and I know he is faithful to continue to guide me and provide for me as the Ultimate Caregiver.


  1. So happy for you! Your strong spirit for a life honoring the Lord will help you in the transition and so will your wonderful parents ! Look forward to catching up with your activities on FB. Blessings, Joyce Kessenich


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