Hosting Littles

One really fun benefit to having "mom friends" who help me with my care is that often they bring their kids along, too. 

On Thursdays, my friend Leah brings her two-year-old son, Felix. Felix comes in and says hello to me, and often has some important bit of news to enthusiastically tell me right away, like: "I used the big boy potty!" He quickly picked up on my desire for him to feel at home, and now he pulls out his favorite blue blanket from my basket, picks out a stuffed animal, settles in on the couch and tucks himself and his stuffy in with the blanket, and watches Daniel Tiger while munching on pretzels. Before he leaves I always thank him for coming, and in the biggest, most dramatic circus-ring-master way, he says, "You!... Are!... Welcome!"

On Wednesday mornings, my friend Kelsey courageously comes with all three of her kiddos in tow: Forrest, Melody, and Eden. During the school year, Forrest was at school, so Melody got used to her own routine. It involved her declaring upon entrance: "I want to watch Frozen" (or Moana, Tangled, or Ariel... on a regular rotation), sitting quietly on the couch with her baby sis until we were ready for breakfast, then sitting next to me and having oatmeal or cereal with me and getting most of it on her cute princess outfits. The adjustment to having big brother along upset Middle-Child-Melody's balance only briefly, for he wanted to watch Pokémon, but they soon reached a surprisingly mature compromise by agreeing to animal cartoon movies like Zootopia. Forrest brings games to play with me, Eden eats (or spits) applesauce and makes the best faces, and Melody with her big round blue eyes has serious discussions with me about heroes and villains. After breakfast, while Kelsey is putting things away, Forrest plays with Eden to make her laugh, and Melody hums The Little Mermaid's siren song while she puts her shoes back on the wrong feet. 

A few hours later on Wednesdays, I get another little guest, as my friend Rachel brings her son, Uriah. He is almost one year old, so I've known him his whole life and have loved watching him become a (rather strikingly gorgeous) little boy. He is a good traveller and is very easy going, and it has been fun to see him become more mobile and more familiar and comfortable with this space. And even though he doesn't say much yet, I can tell he likes being at my house. He smiles at me, chews on the tips of my shoes, and lets me give him kisses. 

Just yesterday, I made a new friend when my friend Mandy brought over her 9-month-old niece, Paloma (aren't these the coolest names, by the way?!). It didn't take her long to get used to me either, and we had dinner, played peek-a-boo, and actually went on a long neighborhood walk together, too. I hope she will come back more often! 

Older kids are fun to have here, too, of course. I mentioned Vivienne from my WVa roadtrip, and have also enjoyed getting a bit of time with her brothers. Another friend has two sons who have come over and helped me bake (and eat) scones. And this weekend I'm thrilled to have a slumber party planned with my friend Lisa and her three awesome elementary-aged girls. 

I'm thankful that the space I have in my house lends itself to kid-friendly play, entertainment, and comfort. I love having little people in my house, and I am so glad I have this special opportunity to be in their lives. 


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