Summer Reboot: One Year In...

 I've been living in Fort Wayne again for one year now. 

Last summer, I did a little experiment you might remember... to see if and how I could live in my own place. I learned a lot about myself, my world, and my friends during that season, and in the end I bought a house! You can go back in this blog and read all about it, if you missed it. But when the summer came to an end, so did the experiment, and so did the blog.

I moved into my cute little Salt Life Cottage in September, and worked on setting up house, managing my care team, and serving families through We Carry Kevan. At Thanksgiving, I migrated South to be with my parents and my brother Andrew's family in Memphis for the holidays and stayed through January. Then I came back home and basically hibernated through the rest of the winter and all the "false springs." And now that summer is back (sunny and in the 80s today!), I thought I might reboot this blog to fill you in on the things I continue to learn about living independently with a disability, friendship caregiving, spiritual growth, and my ongoing adventures. 

I hope you enjoy these posts, and that they help and encourage you too! Feel free to leave a comment and ask questions that you would like for me to answer! 


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