Singing is Key

 I have once again been sick. I know, it's ridiculous. Same upper respiratory issues as before, for the third time this year. This month I've struggled also with sadness - loneliness, homesickness, weakness, and disappointment. And by "struggled," I really mean the struggle is real! I read the Psalms and think, "Yeah! Why are you downcast, oh my soul? Why so disturbed within me? What is your problem - just suck it up, Buttercup!"  

I talked to my brother, Kevan, about it last week, and he recommended a powerful medicine: music. "I think you need to sing more praise songs throughout the day," he said. "Maybe start asking your friends who come visit and care for you to share a song that you can sing together." 

So, I did. It's been a really awesome exercise, as I ask my friends what their favorite praise songs are or what song has been stuck in their heads lately. Here are a few of them: 

Now, we actually listen to quite a lot of music in my house on a regular basis, but this is different. It isn't passively listening or humming along; it's singing the words, and usually just using our voices. Some of us have stronger or prettier or more tonal voices than others, and more often than not this week we've gotten choked up on tears, but the beauty is in declaring the truth and doing it together.

One of the most precious things I've noticed is that it doesn't take anyone very long to think of a song to share; it seems to be already in their hearts and on their lips, a joyful outpouring of their love for the Lord and his people. I'm so thankful to share these songs and moments with them. 

It's really quite amazing how healing and restorative it is to sing praise to God! It's lifted my spirit this week, bringing light and hope back into my heart, renewing my physical and emotional strength, and redirecting my thoughts to the goodness and faithfulness of God.  

What is your favorite praise song? Join me in singing a little bit every day and see how it can help you! 


  1. This is wonderful! He Will Hold Me Fast has been my theme for many months. Love you, Jenni

  2. As the Deer Panteth for the Water…


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