Hybrid Caregiving, Part 2

 Last Thursday night was the first time I met my new caregiver from the home care agency, and it was her first shift to spend the night here. I was expecting her at 9:00, and all I knew was her name, so at 8:00 I was feeling the weight of anxiety and started to pray. It went a little something like this: 

"Lord, what if she's crazy?
What if we don't click, don't connect?
What if I don't feel comfortable with her, can't trust her?
There's no way I'll be able to sleep, and I really need to sleep! 

Lord, what am I doing? 
Is this even a good idea, is this wise? 
It feels so risky, so scary, and could go really wrong. 
There's no way I'll be able to sleep, and I really need to sleep! 

Lord, what are you doing? 
I have 25 sisters with me all week...
It will be such a let-down if this new person isn't a believer...
There's no way I'll be able to sleep, and I really need to sleep!" 

She arrived right on time, an older woman, short in stature and with a big beaming smile on her face. She is West African, and she had her hair wrapped up and wore bright patterned clothes, and she hugged me right away. Almost immediately, she asked me: "Do you believe in God?" I forgot how direct and blunt Africans can be... and smiled, because it is refreshing and because at least her first question wasn't about my marital status (which it usually is). I said yes, I did. Then she asked: "Do you love Jesus?" Again I said yes, and she said, "Oh good, hallelujah!" We both smiled and laughed, because in that moment we both knew we'd be ok. 

She proceeded to ask me about my prayer life, daily quiet time routine, memory verses, and praise songs. She quoted some of her favorite verses, and then said, "Ok, we will pray together at night, and sing together in the morning!" Even though we hadn't discussed my disability or the tasks I need done, this plan seemed sufficient for her. I was near tears with wonder and gratitude to the Lord for his provision... and I slept very well that night. 

She has been with me for a week now; she is on the schedule four nights a week. We're still getting used to the whole routine and how to communicate well with each other. There are moments that are exhausting, frustrating, and difficult for both of us, but we are learning lots of grace and patience for each other. She has a great attitude and is willing and eager to learn new things and figure out what is best practice for working with me (my friends call it "professional Connie care"), so that helps, too. We do indeed pray together each night before going to sleep and sing together when we wake up. She has been teaching me simple little praise choruses, and I think she has made up at least some of them. A few of my friends have had the opportunity to meet her, and they like her, and she is so thrilled that God has given me such good friends. I'm so very thankful for her.

Tonight I have another new person coming to spend the night, so please pray with me that it is a good experience and even that it will be another incredible blessing. I'll let you know how it goes! 


  1. Thankful for answered prayers in providing you with loving and caring people in your life!!

  2. Praising God for the answered prayers and praying that this caregiver will also be an answer to prayers


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