Caring for Caregivers
Thankfully, I have not been sick this year so far! I attribute it to excellent caregiving, answers to prayer, and intentional healthy choices about sleep, exercise, breathing, and eating. I make sure to eat a balanced array of vegetables and fruits, proteins and grains each week, in addition to taking multivitamins, probiotics, elderberry supplements, colostrum, and water. My friendship caregivers do a great job of helping me maintain this healthy lifestyle. But having 20-30 different helpers means that inevitably at least one person is usually sick! I'll get a call or text saying: "I have a cough/sniffles/sore throat today. Do you still want me to come?" It's taken me a while to come up with a good response to that... See, I am not a germaphobe or hypersensitive about stuff like that, so as long as a person isn't actively throwing up or running a fever, I am fine with them being here. Plus, I still will need help, so if one person can't come, I need some tim...