My Olympic Gold Champion Team

Lately, a bunch of us non-athletes have been mild-to-moderately obsessed with sports and way more patriotic than we typically are. That's because Team USA is totally rockin' it at this year's summer Olympics in Paris. I love watching swimming, synchronized diving, pole vaulting, sprinting, and soccer, but my favorite Olympic pastime is watching the gymnastics teams. I gasped and claimed Simone Biles was inhuman when she leapt twelve feet in the air, and I smiled and sighed when Stephen "Clark Kent" Nedoroscik took off his nerdy glasses and took on the pommel horse (my newest Hollywood crush). It makes me so proud of our American teams not only when they stick the landing and receive a nearly perfect score, but also when they show good sportsmanship and when they cheer each other on. 

I have a championship team of my own, too! We can call it the Connie Care Team, but today I am thinking of them as my 2024 Olympic Gold Champion Team. A funny conversation piece I've had with all of them during the Olympics is: "What caregiving event do you get a gold medal in?" Each caregiver gets to claim their own, and some have even claimed gold for each other. Since most of these events happen in my bathroom or bedroom, I will not share them here on such a public forum in mixed company through social media, but I will just say it was good for morale and caused lots of laughter amongst us all. So often my friends are self-deprecating and imagine they are the weakest link on my team, so this exercise was a nice change of tempo because everyone got to take pride in some aspect of what they do for me, as well they should. They are collectively and individually incredible people whose joy and compassion and grace are what make them strong. And my life would not be nearly as big and beautiful as it is without them in it. 

Go Team! I love you all!!


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