The Dance
ONE-two-three, ONE-two-three...
Move my hand, Shift my hips
Turn my head, Pull my knee...
Sometimes it feels like playing Simon-Says
Sometimes it feels like I'm giving commands
Sometimes it feels like a video game
And sometimes it feels like I'm leading a dance.
Five, SIX, seven, EIGHT...
Arms up, Hair brushed
Feet flat, Bed made...
It's a rhythm I dance to every day
A dance with lead moves that I know by heart
But since I can't move, I have to submit
While others more able master their part
And-a ONE, And-a TWO...
Seatbelt on,, Elbows in
Straighten toes in my shoe...
I need to be patient as others learn
And slow myself down to the leader's pace
Instruct, correct, explain, and then repeat
If not graceful, at least be full of grace.
- "The Dance," by C.L. Chandler
It's been a while since I've written a poem! But this is an idea that has been floating around in my mind for a while, and I thought it best to put it in rhyme and rhythm. This poem gives you a glimpse into my own mind and heart, as I receive personal care. It is a very humbling thing to allow others to do personal and simple tasks that I wish I could do for myself. It is a very challenging thing to find and use articulate words to explain how others should do these tasks properly and to my preference. And it can be a wearying thing to use these words and accept this help over and over again for many years. I am so very grateful for every wonderful person who gives their kind and loving care to me, whether they are lifting my coffee cup or washing my hair. And I am so grateful that I have Lord who is patient with and gracious to me, and who fills me with his power to extend those gifts and that love to others.
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